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Understanding Breech Presentation: Types, Causes, Risks, and Management

Pregnancy is a beautiful phase in a woman’s life but it comes with challenges. One of the most important aspects of pregnancy is the position of the fetus inside the uterus. Ideally, the fetus should be head-down in preparation for a vaginal delivery. However, in some cases, the fetus is positioned in a breech presentation, which means that the baby is positioned buttocks or feet first in the uterus. This blog post will discuss the breech presentation, its types, causes, risks, and management.

Types of Breech Presentation:

There are three types of breech presentation, as follows:

Frank Breech: In this type of breech presentation, the baby’s buttocks are positioned towards the birth canal, with the legs flexed at the hips and extended at the knees.

Complete Breech: In this type of breech presentation, the baby’s buttocks are positioned towards the birth canal, with the legs flexed at the hips and knees.

Footling Breech: In this type of breech presentation, one or both of the baby’s feet are positioned towards the birth canal, with the buttocks higher up in the uterus.

Causes of Breech Presentation:

The exact cause of breech presentation is unknown, but certain factors may increase the likelihood of a breech presentation, such as:

Premature birth: Babies born prematurely are likelier to be in a breech presentation.

Multiple pregnancies: Women carrying twins or more are likelier to have a breech presentation.

Placenta previa: This is a condition where the placenta is positioned low in the uterus, which can lead to a breech presentation.

Uterine abnormalities: Women with uterine abnormalities, such as a bicornuate uterus, are likelier to have a breech presentation.

Risks of Breech Presentation:

Breech presentation can pose some risks to the mother and baby, such as:

Difficulty during labor: Vaginal delivery of a breech baby can be difficult and may result in prolonged labor or the need for a cesarean section.

Birth defects: Breech presentation is associated with a higher risk of congenital disabilities and developmental issues.

Umbilical cord prolapse: In some cases, the umbilical cord can slip through the cervix before the baby, which can reduce the baby’s oxygen supply.

Management of Breech Presentation:

The management of breech presentation depends on various factors, such as the type of breech presentation, the gestational age of the baby, and the mother’s health. Some management options include:

External cephalic version (ECV): This is a procedure where the doctor tries to turn the baby from the breech position to a head-down position externally.

Vaginal delivery: In some cases, vaginal delivery of a breech baby may be possible, depending on the type of breech presentation and the mother’s health.

Cesarean section: A cesarean section may be the safest option for delivering a breech baby.


Breech presentation is a common condition that can pose risks to the mother and baby. Identifying breech presentation early on during pregnancy and monitoring the baby’s position is essential. Management options for breech presentation depend on various factors, and discussing the options with a healthcare provider is essential.

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